P l a c e o f N a t u r e a n d A r t


T h e l a n d

T h e V i n e y a r d s

T h e R o s e s

The Salento red earth
among the olive trees, the vineyard, the rose garden.
Tradition and respect for the history that preceded us.

La Terra

Agricoltura Etica

Produzione e Selezione di prodotti naturali

Gli ulivi

L'Olio Extravergine

Il simbolo delle nostre radici 

la vigna

L'Uva di Primitivo

I profumi del Salento tra ulivi e rose

The earth

Ethical Agriculture

Production and selection of natural products

The olive trees

The Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The symbol of our roots

the vineyard

Primitivo grapes

The scents of Salento among olive trees and roses


A r t i c l e s

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


T o d a y . S i n c e 1 7 0 2

“The farmer is the craftsman who applies research and innovation to the wisdom of tradition”
The future lies in the preservation of natural elements.

t h e f r u i t i s t h e g i f t o f t h e e a r t h t o t h e g u a r d i a n w h o   l i v e s   t h e r e

Commitment and passion for a tree symbol of our roots.


T h e E x t r a V i r g i n O l i v e O i l

R e q u e s t i n f o r m a t i o n

Write to us to be informed about new products and events a company@houseofrodogallo.it